I noticed someone mention a certain game in comparison to Heavy Rain and that it was "superior to Heavy Rain in every way imaginable.", despite this game was a survival horror, and Heavy Rain was just simply a cinematic crime adventure type....thing. So I looked more into and I couldn't believe what I was seeing...and dare I say it, it was a bad game that I wanted to own.

Now I'm quite surprised this made it to the 360 in the US as an exclusive but never made it to the PS3, however it's on the PS3 in Japan under the title "Red Seeds Profile". Now what is it that makes this game look bad? Just watch this little clip:

It's no joke, that is how the actual game looks.  My first thought was "...wait, this is on the 360 and PS3?" Because I actually thought to read Xbox and PS2, but surprisingly not. Graphics aside, and awkward humor, people have said this was a pretty decent game, and so I'm thinking of taking a plunge on the PS3 version.


ghostburnz said...

I've seen this game on shelves and thought it looked interesting plus its only carries a $20 dollar price point on it so your not wasting full price for it in case it is bad.

Savage Nugget said...

Hmmmm.....let me know how it plays. :D

Anonymous said...

this looks awesome! hope its on the PS3

David said...

Nice game man!

Silly Old Bum said...

seems my dad would like it

iMonei said...

looks kinda crappy tbh lol

Anonymous said...

nice post! i like it very much;)
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Nona said...

great blog :)
following and supporting

Venefican said...

its looks like a cool game

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